
20th Century Boys Manga Review

20th-century boys is a Mystery, drama, thriller, Sci-fi, historical manga written and illustrated by Naoki Urasawa[the genius], the author is also known for his other mangas like Monster and pluto. 20th-century boys started publishing on September 27,1999 and finished on April 24, 2006. It has a total of 22 volumes and 249 chapters it also has a sequel 21st-century boys with 16 chapters where the story of 20th-century boys is concluded.

It has a rating of 8.95 on Myanimelist

20th Century Boys Manga

SYNOPSIS: The story starts in 1996 japan where Kenji is living a normal life running a convenience store. But one day he finds that one of his childhood friends named ‘Donkey' committed suicide and a cult named Freind is becoming popular how that cult is connected to Kenji and his friend. Who is Freind? (leader of that cult). Kenji must find these answers and save the world from this cult. 



What if your childhood imaginations become true well that’s what happens in this manga but the way the author presents it to you will blow your mind. I can guarantee you that once you 10 chapters of this manga you won't be able to stop. The mystery reveals in this manga is 10/10.

Overall, the plot is 9.5/10 


If you have read any other works of Urasawa Naoki then you must know that he has created one of the best villains like Johan from the monster. The same happens in this manga where the villain is one of the best villains you will ever see in any medium. Side characters are amazing in this manga and our main character looks like a side character after some time because he does not get that much screen time. 

Overall, villain 11/10 and 8/10 for others 

I won't talk too much about art because it’s the same as many other generic mangas you must have read there is nothing different about art that I should talk about but one thing is that art is clean and there won't be any problems understanding the panels.

Overall, the art is 8/10


I guarantee you that you will enjoy this manga for sure. From the first chapter, the author starts showing hints and clues about the big mystery which is revealed in later chapters. This is the manga that you will feel like finishing it in one go but it has 200+ chapter so you cant. The ending is open-ended so you will be unsatisfied and will think about it for days and that’s what the author wants you to do. 

Overall, enjoyment is 10/10 

And considering all of the above points this manga is for sure a must-read and it is one of the best mangas ever written. My rating for this manga will be 9.5/10. 0.5 less because it felt like it was dragged at the end. 

That's it for this review. hope you find this helpful. Feel free to share your opinions. 

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