

  Hello reader

, Kei here

You might have heard about Boku no Pico or the forbidden 177013 doujin at least once if you have been reading manga or watching anime. Also... you might have watched it and thought - "This is the messed up thing I've ever seen in a manga/anime". Well... What if I tell you there are manga more messed up than that? That's what I will be blogging today about. So... without further ado... Here is the list of 5 messed up / utterly insane manga you can find. Tell me in the comments if you need a detailed review for any of the mentioned manga

(18+ warning)


Number 5 
From Comedy / Action Genre , 

This is one of the lighter manga on the list. So... if you can't handle gore and violence that much, go for this one. Without too much horror or violence, Dandadan succeeds in achieving what it was set out to do, Utter Insanity. When I say insanity, I don't mean psychological thingie. The thing that is insane is the plot itself. As the synopsis goes.... "an occult maniac who doesn't believe in ghosts and a girl who doesn't believe in aliens, try to overcome their differences when they encounter the paranormal". The author tries to fit in two polar opposite themes (aliens and ghosts) and what follows in utter chaos. The author knew what he was doing so instead of aiming for stability, he went for insanity. Due to that... the plot itself is non-sensical but overall it is really great if you are looking for an insane comedy manga. 

8/10 for me...

Number 4
From Drama and Slice of Life Genre, 

Blood on The Tracks 
Blood on the tracks

This one is also another lighter manga like Dandadan but when I mean lighter, I only meant gory stuff. As the synopsis goes - "A middle school kid and his loving mother were leaving peacefully until an incident during the summer changes their dynamic forever". The insanity in this manga is the characters. We have a simpleton protagonist, a manipulative mother, and an insane crush on the main character. It starts like a normal slice-of-life but soon enough you understand it is not the normal slice-of-life you are thinking about. The manipulative personality of MC's mother really strikes deep within you while you are reading it. The simpleton is thrown around like a toy between his crush and his mother due to both of them being insane. It really shows the results of being over-protective and manipulative in an upbringing of a child. It really pushes the psychological tone to the extreme and by the end,  you really feel sorry for the main character. So... if you are interested in stuff like this, go ahead and give it a try.

9/10 for me...

Number 3 
From Action / Superhero Genre,

Fire Punch
Fire punch manga

Written by the author of the famous manga "Chainsaw Man", Fire Punch is a tragic superhero story set in the backdrop of an apocalyptic world. As the synopsis goes - "Orphaned kids Agni and Luna struggle to survive in an ice-age apocalyptic world infested by blessed people having superpowers just like them". The insanity in this manga is morality. So... if you cannot handle immoral topics like sexism, cannibalism, incest, etc... you should not read this. It shows the realistic representation and struggles of humankind if we were suddenly reverted back to the ice age or any apocalyptic situation for that matter. The characters of the story are unique and twisted to a degree of immorality and even the main character is not innocent of immorality. In short... if you can handle immoral stuff, violence, and partial nudity, go for this. 
8/10 for me...

Number 2 
From Horror Genre, 

Venus In The Blind Spot

Venus in the blind spot manga

Most of the works written by Junji Itou are utterly insane but as this is a top 5 list, I am only including one of them. As the synopsis goes - "A collection of best works by Junji Itou complete with color pages and illustrations". The whole of manga written by Junji Itou and the most insane thing about his manga is the impeccable art style. Even though his art style is in no way a masterpiece, it captures the feel and insanity of horror manga perfectly. This can be seen in every single one of his works as it evolves and become much scarier as his career went on. This current story collection consists of 10 stories from various parts of his career and some of them were written by other authors which were brought to life by the insane artwork of Junji Itou. If you can bear horror elements... give this one a try 

8/10 for me...

Number 1 
From Ecchi Genre, 

Dead Tube

Dead tube Manga

This manga was made to be called insane. There is not a single part of the manga that is not insane. As the synopsis goes - "The innocent cameraman of the high school film club is dragged into a world of utter insane social media called Dead Tube". As far the story goes, there is no sentiment given to any of the characters as none of the characters are moral and good per se. This manga's characters are the definition of two-faced humans. See a character? wait for 2 more chapters until it is she is a prostitute or gets r*ped. See that boy? Wait for some chapters until it is revealed he is a serial killer. That's enough for characters... on the matter of plot, it is as much as or more insane as the characters of the manga. Think of the sexual act you can think of, r*pe? necrophilia? Incest? NTR? This manga has it all mixed with a sh*t-load of violence with a great art style to boot. So... if you can handle extreme violent and sexual themes, go for it 

8/10 for me...

That's it for this top 5 list, Hope you found this helpful and interesting.

If you have any suggestions, feel free to share.

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